Luscentra, founded by the Siblings in Sync, is a brand that arose from personal experiences with the damaging effects of unfiltered, hard water on their hair and skin.
We are dedicated to providing cutting-edge clean water technology, luxurious bathing products, and exceptional services to our esteemed customers.

As our childhood was filled with travel and relocating to different countries, we struggled with brassy hair, scalp psoriasis, and dry skin. When we crossed borders, we discovered that our skin and hair were continually impacted in different ways, awakening us to a pressing problem: the quality of tap water!
Our mom’s theory from the very beginning was right about harmful tap water, and that stuck with us since our childhood, inspiring Luscentra's birth. We steered towards revolutionizing the shower experience, bringing intentional and research-backed technology that can live in your bathroom, keeping you happy and nourished.
Anjali & Sidharth
To elevate our customers’ shower experience and well-being. We're dedicated to providing our customers with innovative solutions that promote healthier skin and hair by eliminating chlorine, impurities and other contaminants. We also strive to contribute to our customers’ self care routine by uplifting their mood, comfort and vitality with our aromatherapy infused shower experience.
We’re committed to making a positive impact on the world through our water saving shower technology, eco friendly packaging and our philanthropic initiatives.
It expands beyond Vitamin C-infused shower-heads, to educate society about the detrimental effects of hard water by saving water.
Our cutting-edge shower heads let you enjoy a revitalizing and refreshing shower like never before. Our filtered Vitamin C and Aromatherapy shower heads offer a wide range of advantages and are made to offer a fresh and invigorating experience. They nourish your hair and skin, making them feel healthier and more vibrant, in addition to conserving water thanks to their smooth water pressure.
Our shower heads also offer a luxurious aromatherapy experience, enhancing your shower with wonderful scents. Your showering routine is elevated to a whole new level of luxury and relaxation with the addition of calming fragrances. Additionally, our cutting-edge shower heads successfully remove unpleasant odours from the shower water, providing a really refreshing and odor-free experience. But that's not all; similar to the negative ions found in nature's most nergising settings, such as tumbling waterfalls, our showerheads also produce them. Scientific research has demonstrated the extraordinary effects that these negative ions have on the body. They make you feel more refreshed and energised by increasing blood flow. They promote relaxation and well-being by relieving tension.